Monday, August 17, 2009

Yay for our little troopers....

They are doing so well. I got to have some skin to skin time with Mattea last night and kiss both of the boys. When dad went up to see the babies this morning, Mattea was still breathing on her own, Frankie is now breathing on his won and they think David is ready to come off the vent and beplaced on CPAP again. I am so proud of these little bugs.

David looks exactly like big David. The nurses think that Frankie looks like me and Mattea, it is up in the air. David thinks she looks like me. I think she has his nose and chin, I never fell asleep last night so I am going to try again now.


  1. That's so funny; I never slept either. Then I was so drained I finally passed out. How exciting!!! They will be home before you know it.

  2. That is fantastic news!!! I always heard that white baby boys have a bit harder time than white baby girls (or any other race) but your boys are strong and showing them all! I bet they get out of the NICU in no time!!! I am kind of getting jealous here haha!

    Remember to take care of yourself too Momma! I know how hard it is to sleep in a hospital though. It won't be much longer and you will be taking the reigns and doing this all on your own so help yourself while you can! Lots of luck and prayers for the trio!

  3. WOW!! Marcie, Congratulations to you all. They are beautiful! I showed Amy Stuart the pictures and she got goose bumps. I got very teary eyed. Dee is very happy for you.

    Take good care of yourself and try to get plenty of rest.

