Monday, July 27, 2009

Good news and not so good news...

We had an appointment scheduled for Friday but we just couldn't wait that long to see the babies so I snuck in today. I'm glad I did. As you may remember from my last post, the nurse didn't check my cervix last week. She said it had been fine all along and wasn't really necessary. Well, today we found out it shortened. It went from 3 to 2. Although it comes with the territory it was still disappointing, considering I am already on bedrest so there is not much more I can do to keep it long. I also haven't been feeling any contractions lately that might have shortened it so that makes me nervous. It could stay intact for 4 weeks or shrivel up by tommorow-there really is no telling, SO, the doc. sent us on our way to the hospital to receive the first dose of Betamethasone. This is a steroid that will hasten the babies lung development should they be born within the next 3-4 weeks. We will have the second and final shot tommorow and pray that they hold off for at least 4 weeks. We asked if we could get the first shot tommorow and the doc said he wanted it done today. That made me nervous. It could mean something, it could mean nothing. We also had a little scare with the fluid levels. The babies have gotten bigger, making it hard to find the membrane that seperates their sac. The nurse couldn't find it but the doc could and reassured us that the levels are okay. The babies were also very lame today. The nurse had to use a buzzer that vibrates to get them moving. It was definately the most nerve wrecking appointment yet.

On a positive front, the babies are all growing better than we expected. Frankie is estimated to be 3.10, David 3.15 and Mattea 3.10. We were hoping for over 3 pounds so we were very excited about that. We can only hope that these estimates are accurate. David and Frankie remain vertex and Mattea is breech and in the middle, thus giving her free range to kick her brothers in the head. So, every day is a blessing from God at this point, another day for our babies to grow.


  1. Great news about the weights! You're doing an awesome job!

  2. I've found your blog while following Brooke's triplets and I pray for you everyday! Keep those babies cooking you are doing a great job!

  3. I found your blog a week or so ago. I am having triplets too (a couple weeks ahead of you).

    I am praying that your babies stay put just a bit longer!!! You are doing a fantastic job (from what I have read!)
